Kaiser Permanente:
Find Your Words

An initiative led by Kaiser Permanente, Find Your Words is meant to help people not only recognize what depression is but understanding what to say and how to help those who feel stigmatized.

Helping people find help and hope for their depression.

An initiative led by Kaiser Permanente, Find Your Words is meant to help people not only recognize what depression is but understanding what to say and how to help those who feel stigmatized.

The problem

Introduced in 2017, Find Your Words felt too closely aligned to the Kaiser Permanente brand. The previous iteration's design treatment felt more like a landing page than a separate dedicated site, creating issues in establishing trust with the intended audience. Why should they explore the valuable tools and information on the site when it feels more like an advertisement for Kaiser Permanente?


A screenshot of the previous iteration of the Find Your Words site.

My role

Completed at MullenLowe Profero, I worked as a designer on this project. Find Your Words took three months to complete in 2018. I worked together with one design director, one account manager, and one project manager to complete this project.   

Creating a unique brand

While connected to Kaiser Permanente, it was clear from the initial meeting with the client that this needed to look and feel completely separate. We explored a variety of options and settled on a theme that was there from the beginning: conversation. At its core, Find Your Words is about learning to recognize and speak to the signs of depression, and introducing this concept throughout the site helped to reiterate this concept. By reutilizing elements from the logo such as the speech bubble angles and shapes, we worked to not only include the logo but to truly integrate it into the site itself.

Establishing a system

We chose to use color to differentiate the four main sections of the site. By utilizing these colors prominently on the pages that fell within these sections, it's immediately clear to the user which part of the site they're in and how these subpages relate to each other. 


© 2024 Kevin Leung. Don't steal.